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Wholesome Tables

What's Good for the Earth is Good for our Bodies

Eating Sustainably

Eating Sustainably

There are several easy changes most anyone can make to begin eating more sustainably.

First, shop from bulk bins at the grocery store instead of buying items in individual packages. By purchasing items like grains, nuts, dried fruit, seeds and flours from the bulk bins you eliminate plastic packaging waste. Store these foods in reusable containers like large glass jars at home. Buying bulk also ensures fresher foods as well because they have a faster turnover rate than packaged ones.

Next, buy seasonal and local produce from the farmers’ market or grocery store whenever possible. Imported produce or foods that have to travel long distances create waste and pollution due to the fuels burned during the foods’ transportation, creating a large carbon footprint. Furthermore, when produce is imported it is picked underripe so that it can withstand the long amount of time it take to be transported to the U.S., thus yielding a less nutritious and less delicious food.

By contrast, produce from the farmers’ market is often harvested within 24 hours of being sold and consumed. If that’s not enough to convince you, consider that farmers earn about three times as much per dollar spent when you purchase the same item at the farmers’ market versus the grocery store.

Lastly, substitute plant-based meals for meat. Meat has a substantially larger carbon footprint compared with plant-based foods like whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. Even eating plant-based a few times a week is a great start. Simple dishes like black bean chili or lentil soup are fantastic for your health and the planet. For plant-based meal ideas and recipes check out my post here.

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